İtem Kodları


İtem Kodları

  1 Stone
   2 Grass
   3 Dirt
   4 Cobblestone
   5 Wooden Plank (Oak)
   5:1 Wooden Plank (Spruce)
   5:2 Wooden Plank (Birch)
   5:3 Wooden Plank (Jungle)
   6 Sapling (Oak)
   6:1 Sapling (Spruce)
   6:2 Sapling (Birch)
   6:3 Sapling (Jungle)
   7 Bedrock
   8 Water
   9 Water (No Spread)
  10 Lava
  11 Lava (No Spread)
  12 Sand
  13 Gravel
  14 Gold Ore
  15 Iron Ore
  16 Coal Ore
  17 Wood (Oak)
  17:1 Wood (Spruce)
  17:2 Wood (Birch)
  17:3 Wood (Jungle)
  18 Leaves (Oak)
  18:1 Leaves (Spruce)
  18:2 Leaves (Birch)
  18:3 Leaves (Jungle)
  19 Sponge
  20 Glass
  21 Lapis Lazuli Ore
  22 Lapis Lazuli Block
  23 Dispenser
  24 Sandstone
  24:1 Sandstone (Chiseled)
  24:2 Sandstone (Smooth)
  25 Note Block
  26 Bed (Block)
  27 Rail (Powered)
  28 Rail (Detector)
  29 Sticky Piston
  30 Cobweb
  31 Tall Grass (Dead Shrub)
  31:1 Tall Grass
  31:2 Tall Grass (Fern)
  32 Dead Shrub
  33 Piston
  34 Piston (Head)
  35 Wool
  35:1 Orange Wool
  35:2 Magenta Wool
  35:3 Light Blue Wool
  35:4 Yellow Wool
  35:5 Lime Wool
  35:6 Pink Wool
  35:7 Gray Wool
  35:8 Light Gray Wool
  35:9 Cyan Wool
  35:10 Purple Wool
  35:11 Blue Wool
  35:12 Brown Wool
  35:13 Green Wool
  35:14 Red Wool
  35:15 Black Wool
  36 Piston (Moving)
  37 Dandelion
  38 Rose
  39 Brown Mushroom
  40 Red Mushroom
  41 Block of Gold
  42 Block of Iron
  43 Stone Slab (Double)
  43:1 Sandstone Slab (Double)
  43:2 Wooden Slab (Double)
  43:3 Cobblestone Slab (Double)
  43:4 Brick Slab (Double)
  43:5 Stone Brick Slab (Double)
  43:6 Nether Brick Slab (Double)
  43:7 Quartz Slab (Double)
  43:8 Smooth Stone Slab (Double)
  43:9 Smooth Sandstone Slab (Double)
  44 Stone Slab
  44:1 Sandstone Slab
  44:2 Wooden Slab
  44:3 Cobblestone Slab
  44:4 Brick Slab
  44:5 Stone Brick Slab
  44:6 Nether Brick Slab
  44:7 Quartz Slab
  45 Brick
  46 TNT
  47 Bookcase
  48 Moss Stone
  49 Obsidian
  50 Torch
  51 Fire
  52 Mob Spawner
  53 Wooden Stairs (Oak)
  54 Chest
  55 Redstone Wire
  56 Diamond Ore
  57 Block of Diamond
  58 Workbench
  59 Wheat (Crop)
  60 Farmland
  61 Furnace
  62 Furnace (Smelting)
  63 Sign (Block)
  64 Wood Door (Block)
  65 Ladder
  66 Rail
  67 Cobblestone Stairs
  68 Sign (Wall Block)
  69 Lever
  70 Stone Pressure Plate
  71 Iron Door (Block)
  72 Wooden Pressure Plate
  73 Redstone Ore
  74 Redstone Ore (Glowing)
  75 Redstone Torch (Off)
  76 Redstone Torch
  77 Button (Stone)
  78 Snow
  79 Ice
  80 Snow Block
  81 Cactus
  82 Clay Block
  83 Sugar Cane (Block)
  84 Jukebox
  85 Fence
  86 Pumpkin
  87 Netherrack
  88 Soul Sand
  89 Glowstone
  90 Portal
  91 Jack-O-Lantern
  92 Cake (Block)
  93 Redstone Repeater (Block Off)
  94 Redstone Repeater (Block On)
  95 Locked Chest
  96 Trapdoor
  97 Silverfish Stone
  97:1 Silverfish Cobblestone
  97:2 Silverfish Stone Brick
  98 Stone Bricks
  98:1 Mossy Stone Bricks
  98:2 Cracked Stone Bricks
  98:3 Chiseled Stone Brick
  99 Brown Mushroom (Block)
 100 Red Mushroom (Block)
 101 Iron Bars
 102 Glass Pane
 103 Melon (Block)
 104 Pumpkin Vine
 105 Melon Vine
 106 Vines
 107 Fence Gate
 108 Brick Stairs
 109 Stone Brick Stairs
 110 Mycelium
 111 Lily Pad
 112 Nether Brick
 113 Nether Brick Fence
 114 Nether Brick Stairs
 115 Nether Wart
 116 Enchantment Table
 117 Brewing Stand (Block)
 118 Cauldron (Block)
 119 End Portal
 120 End Portal Frame
 121 End Stone
 122 Dragon Egg
 123 Redstone Lamp
 124 Redstone Lamp (On)
 125 Oak-Wood Slab (Double)
 125:1 Spruce-Wood Slab (Double)
 125:2 Birch-Wood Slab (Double)
 125:3 Jungle-Wood Slab (Double)
 126 Oak-Wood Slab
 126:1 Spruce-Wood Slab
 126:2 Birch-Wood Slab
 126:3 Jungle-Wood Slab
 127 Coca Plant
 128 Sandstone Stairs
 129 Emerald Ore
 130 Ender Chest
 131 Tripwire Hook
 132 Tripwire
 133 Block of Emerald
 134 Wooden Stairs (Spruce)
 135 Wooden Stairs (Birch)
 136 Wooden Stairs (Jungle)
 137 Command Block
 138 Beacon
 139 Cobblestone Wall
 139:1 Mossy Cobblestone Wall
 140 Flower Pot (Block)
 141 Carrot (Crop)
 142 Potatoes (Crop)
 143 Button (Wood)
 144 Head Block (Skeleton)
 144:1 Head Block (Wither)
 144:2 Head Block (Zombie)
 144:3 Head Block (Steve)
 144:4 Head Block (Creeper)
 145 Anvil
 145:1 Anvil (Slightly Damaged)
 145:2 Anvil (Very Damaged)
 146 Trapped Chest
 147 Weighted Pressure Plate (Light)
 148 Weighted Pressure Plate (Heavy)
 149 Redstone Comparator (Off)
 150 Redstone Comparator (On)
 151 Daylight Sensor
 152 Block of Redstone
 153 Nether Quartz Ore
 154 Hopper
 155 Quartz Block
 155:1 Chiseled Quartz Block
 155:2 Pillar Quartz Block
 156 Quartz Stairs
 157 Rail (Activator)
 158 Dropper
 159 Stained Clay (White)
 159:1 Stained Clay (Orange)
 159:2 Stained Clay (Magenta)
 159:3 Stained Clay (Light Blue)
 159:4 Stained Clay (Yellow)
 159:5 Stained Clay (Lime)
 159:6 Stained Clay (Pink)
 159:7 Stained Clay (Gray)
 159:8 Stained Clay (Light Gray)
 159:9 Stained Clay (Cyan)
 159:10 Stained Clay (Purple)
 159:11 Stained Clay (Blue)
 159:12 Stained Clay (Brown)
 159:13 Stained Clay (Green)
 159:14 Stained Clay (Red)
 159:15 Stained Clay (Black)
 170 Hay Bale
 171 Carpet (White)
 171:1 Carpet (Orange)
 171:2 Carpet (Magenta)
 171:3 Carpet (Light Blue)
 171:4 Carpet (Yellow)
 171:5 Carpet (Lime)
 171:6 Carpet (Pink)
 171:7 Carpet (Grey)
 171:8 Carpet (Light Gray)
 171:9 Carpet (Cyan)
 171:10 Carpet (Purple)
 171:11 Carpet (Blue)
 171:12 Carpet (Brown)
 171:13 Carpet (Green)
 171:14 Carpet (Red)
 171:15 Carpet (Black)
 172 Hardened Clay
 173 Block of Coal
 256 Iron Shovel
 257 Iron Pickaxe
 258 Iron Axe
 259 Flint and Steel
 260 Apple
 261 Bow
 262 Arrow
 263 Coal
 263:1 Charcoal
 264 Diamond Gem
 265 Iron Ingot
 266 Gold Ingot
 267 Iron Sword
 268 Wooden Sword
 269 Wooden Shovel
 270 Wooden Pickaxe
 271 Wooden Axe
 272 Stone Sword
 273 Stone Shovel
 274 Stone Pickaxe
 275 Stone Axe
 276 Diamond Sword
 277 Diamond Shovel
 278 Diamond Pickaxe
 279 Diamond Axe
 280 Stick
 281 Bowl
 282 Mushroom Stew
 283 Gold Sword
 284 Gold Shovel
 285 Gold Pickaxe
 286 Gold Axe
 287 String
 288 Feather
 289 Gunpowder
 290 Wooden Hoe
 291 Stone Hoe
 292 Iron Hoe
 293 Diamond Hoe
 294 Gold Hoe
 295 Wheat Seeds
 296 Wheat
 297 Bread
 298 Leather Helmet
 299 Leather Chestplate
 300 Leather Leggings
 301 Leather Boots
 302 Chainmail Helmet
 303 Chainmail Chestplate
 304 Chainmail Leggings
 305 Chainmail Boots
 306 Iron Helmet
 307 Iron Chestplate
 308 Iron Leggings
 309 Iron Boots
 310 Diamond Helmet
 311 Diamond Chestplate
 312 Diamond Leggings
 313 Diamond Boots
 314 Gold Helmet
 315 Gold Chestplate
 316 Gold Leggings
 317 Gold Boots
 318 Flint
 319 Raw Porkchop
 320 Cooked Porkchop
 321 Painting
 322 Golden Apple
 322:1 Enchanted Golden Apple
 323 Sign
 324 Wooden Door
 325 Bucket
 326 Bucket (Water)
 327 Bucket (Lava)
 328 Minecart
 329 Saddle
 330 Iron Door
 331 Redstone Dust
 332 Snowball
 333 Boat
 334 Leather
 335 Bucket (Milk)
 336 Clay Brick
 337 Clay
 338 Sugar Cane
 339 Paper
 340 Book
 341 Slime Ball
 342 Minecart (Storage)
 343 Minecart (Powered)
 344 Egg
 345 Compass
 346 Fishing Rod
 347 Watch
 348 Glowstone Dust
 349 Raw Fish
 350 Cooked Fish
 351 Ink Sack
 351:1 Rose Red Dye
 351:2 Cactus Green Dye
 351:3 Coca Bean
 351:4 Lapis Lazuli
 351:5 Purple Dye
 351:6 Cyan Dye
 351:7 Light Gray Dye
 351:8 Gray Dye
 351:9 Pink Dye
 351:10 Lime Dye
 351:11 Dandelion Yellow Dye
 351:12 Light Blue Dye
 351:13 Magenta Dye
 351:14 Orange Dye
 351:15 Bone Meal
 352 Bone
 353 Sugar
 354 Cake
 355 Bed
 356 Redstone Repeater
 357 Cookie
 358 Map
 359 Shears
 360 Melon (Slice)
 361 Pumpkin Seeds
 362 Melon Seeds
 363 Raw Beef
 364 Steak
 365 Raw Chicken
 366 Cooked Chicken
 367 Rotten Flesh
 368 Ender Pearl
 369 Blaze Rod
 370 Ghast Tear
 371 Gold Nugget
 372 Nether Wart Seeds
 373 Water Bottle
 373:16 Awkward Potion
 373:32 Thick Potion
 373:64 Mundane Potion
 373:8193 Regeneration Potion (0:45)
 373:8194 Swiftness Potion (3:00)
 373:8195 Fire Resistance Potion (3:00)
 373:8196 Poison Potion (0:45)
 373:8197 Healing Potion
 373:8198 Night Vision Potion (3:00)
 373:8200 Weakness Potion (1:30)
 373:8201 Strength Potion (3:00)
 373:8202 Slowness Potion (1:30)
 373:8204 Harming Potion
 373:8206 Invisibility Potion (3:00)
 373:8225 Regeneration Potion II (0:22)
 373:8226 Swiftness Potion II (1:30)
 373:8228 Poison Potion II (0:22)
 373:8229 Healing Potion II
 373:8233 Strength Potion II (1:30)
 373:8236 Harming Potion II
 373:8257 Regeneration Potion (2:00)
 373:8258 Swiftness Potion (8:00)
 373:8259 Fire Resistance Potion (8:00)
 373:8260 Poison Potion (2:00)
 373:8262 Night Vision Potion (8:00)
 373:8264 Weakness Potion (4:00)
 373:8265 Strength Potion (8:00)
 373:8266 Slowness Potion (4:00)
 373:8270 Invisibility Potion (8:00)
 373:8289 Regeneration Potion II (1:00)
 373:8290 Swiftness Potion II (4:00)
 373:8292 Poison Potion II (1:00)
 373:8297 Strength Potion II (4:00)
 373:16385 Regeneration Splash (0:33)
 373:16386 Swiftness Splash (2:15)
 373:16387 Fire Resistance Splash (2:15)
 373:16388 Poison Splash (0:33)
 373:16389 Healing Splash
 373:16390 Night Vision Splash (2:15)
 373:16392 Weakness Splash (1:07)
 373:16393 Strength Splash (2:15)
 373:16394 Slowness Splash (1:07)
 373:16396 Harming Splash
 373:16398 Invisibility Splash (2:15)
 373:16417 Regeneration Splash II (0:16)
 373:16418 Swiftness Splash II (1:07)
 373:16420 Poison Splash II (0:16)
 373:16421 Healing Splash II
 373:16425 Strength Splash II (1:07)
 373:16428 Harming Splash II
 373:16449 Regeneration Splash (1:30)
 373:16450 Swiftness Splash (6:00)
 373:16451 Fire Resistance Splash (6:00)
 373:16452 Poison Splash (1:30)
 373:16454 Night Vision Splash (6:00)
 373:16456 Weakness Splash (3:00)
 373:16457 Strength Splash (6:00)
 373:16458 Slowness Splash (3:00)
 373:16462 Invisibility Splash (6:00)
 373:16481 Regeneration Splash II (0:45)
 373:16482 Swiftness Splash II (3:00)
 373:16484 Poison Splash II (0:45)
 373:16489 Strength Splash II (3:00)
 374 Glass Bottle
 375 Spider Eye
 376 Fermented Spider Eye
 377 Blaze Powder
 378 Magma Cream
 379 Brewing Stand
 380 Cauldron
 381 Eye of Ender
 382 Glistering Melon (Slice)
 383:50 Spawn Egg (Creeper)
 383:51 Spawn Egg (Skeleton)
 383:52 Spawn Egg (Spider)
 383:54 Spawn Egg (Zombie)
 383:55 Spawn Egg (Slime)
 383:56 Spawn Egg (Ghast)
 383:57 Spawn Egg (Zombie Pigmen)
 383:58 Spawn Egg (Endermen)
 383:59 Spawn Egg (Cave Spider)
 383:60 Spawn Egg (Silverfish)
 383:61 Spawn Egg (Blaze)
 383:62 Spawn Egg (Magma Cube)
 383:65 Spawn Egg (Bat)
 383:66 Spawn Egg (Witch)
 383:90 Spawn Egg (Pig)
 383:91 Spawn Egg (Sheep)
 383:92 Spawn Egg (Cow)
 383:93 Spawn Egg (Chicken)
 383:94 Spawn Egg (Squid)
 383:95 Spawn Egg (Wolf)
 383:96 Spawn Egg (Mooshroom)
 383:98 Spawn Egg (Ocelot)
 383:100 Spawn Egg (Horse)
 383:120 Spawn Egg (Villager)
 384 Bottle of Enchanting
 385 Fire Charge
 386 Book and Quill
 387 Written Book
 388 Emerald
 389 Item Frame
 390 Flower Pot
 391 Carrot
 392 Potato
 393 Baked Potato
 394 Poisonous Potato
 395 Empty Map
 396 Golden Carrot
 397 Head (Skeleton)
 397:1 Head (Wither)
 397:2 Head (Zombie)
 397:3 Head (Steve)
 397:4 Head (Creeper)
 398 Carrot on a Stick
 399 Nether Star
 400 Pumpkin Pie
 401 Firework Rocket
 402 Firework Star
 403 Enchanted Book
 404 Redstone Comparator
 405 Nether Brick (Item)
 406 Nether Quartz
 407 Minecart (TNT)
 408 Minecart (Hopper)
 417 Iron Horse Armor
 418 Gold Horse Armor
 419 Diamond Horse Armor
 420 Lead
 421 Name Tag
2256 Music Disk (13)
2257 Music Disk (Cat)
2258 Music Disk (Blocks)
2259 Music Disk (Chirp)
2260 Music Disk (Far)
2261 Music Disk (Mall)
2262 Music Disk (Mellohi)
2263 Music Disk (Stal)
2264 Music Disk (Strad)
2265 Music Disk (Ward)
2266 Music Disk (11)
2267 Music Disk (Wait)
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